Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Space, the Feminist Frontier: Essays on Sex and Gender in STAR TREK

After two years of work, I'm delighted to announce that Space, the Feminist Frontier: Essays on Sex and Gender in Star Trek is ready for publication! Our official release date with McFarland is September 2nd, 2024, and the book is now available for pre-order on Amazon and other retailers. You should also be able to special order it through traditional bookstores.

My co-editor and I are excited to have our author copies in hand, and we are currently mailing copies to the academic and fan scholars who contributed their work to the anthology. Our contributors wrote some truly fascinating essays about a wide range of characters, series, and topics, and I think there's probably something in this book for almost every Trek fan. We have essays about Christine Chapel, Michael Burnham, Seven of Nine, the Trill, Mirror Universe villains, Klingon weddings, Amanda Grayson, Nyota Uhura, Una Chin-Riley, the women of Lower Decks, and so much more.

If you're interested in reading the book but are daunted by the price (McFarland books aren't cheap), you can support our efforts by requesting that your local public or academic library order a copy for their collection. That way lots of fans will be able to enjoy our contributors' work for years to come. If you do add a copy to your personal collection or buy one for a special Trekkie friend, thank you so much! This is the third McFarland book Anissa and I have co-edited, and we know that these anthologies tend to have a long life with new readers finding them for many years.

It's always an exciting day when you hold a new book in your hand for the first time, and I'm so pleased with the work that our contributors have done for this anthology. My essay for the book is about the animated series Lower Decks and the ways that it merges genre parody and gender parity with its female characters. If you haven't watched it already, Lower Decks is a brilliant series that has become one of my absolute favorite Trek shows of all time, and the crossover episode with Strange New Worlds is not to be missed. 

If you're interested in my Trek related blog posts, check out:

Trek Noir: Out of the Past in Deep Space Nine's "Necessary Evil"

I Feel It in My Bones: My Favorite Star Trek Character


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